The information you provide below will be used for the purposes of shipping your order, collecting payment, sending email correspondece in regards to your order, keeping the books, and detecting fraud. This information will not be made available to spammers.

Basic information about you.
Your Name:

Your email address:

Gift Information. Prices will not be printed on the packing slip when an item is sent as a gift. On packages sent outside of the USA, the customs form will be marked "gift" - for non-gift orders it will be marked "merchandise."
Is This A Gift?:
Optional gift message for the person you are sending this to:

Enter the shipping address, line by line, below: The package will be mailed to the address exactly as entered, so remember to include the city, state/province, postal code, etc.
Ship To Name:

Shipping Address Line 1:

Shipping Address Line 2:

Shipping Address Line 3:

Shipping Address Line 4:

Shipping Address Country:

Payment Type. We're only taking paypal now. You'll receive an email with payment instructions once your order is ready to ship. [make sure you provided an accurate email address above!]
Payment type:

Your name - fill this out if you're sending this as a gift:

Credit/Debit Card Billing Address. If the billing information is the same as the shipping information, you may leave this blank. Your "billing address" is the address at which you currently receive statements from the issuer of your card.
Billing Address Line 1:

Billing Address Line 2:

Billing Address Line 3:

Billing Address Line 4:

Billing Address Country:

Miscellaneous. If you have any comments or special instructions or requests, enter them below.
Comments / Instructions:

email: goldfish "at" tweekitten dot com