Blur Modern Life Is Rubbish

Format: CD.
Label: Emm/Virgin.
TK Mailorder Reference ID: M6476
Approximate release date: November 16, 1993.
Genres: British Bands, Rock/Pop

Price: $11.74 [Out of Stock]
List price: $11.97

Description: A classic Britpop release - Blur's best? Powerful, playful, and exciting guitars, with terrific vocal harmonies! Very catchy!

Track listing:

1. "For Tomorrow"

2. "Advert"

3. "Colin Zeal"

4. "Pressure On Julian"

5. "Star Shaped"

6. "Blue Jeans"

7. "Chemical World"

8. "Intermission"

9. "Sunday Sunday"

10. "Oily Water"

11. "Miss America"

12. "Villa Rosie"

13. "Coping"

14. "Turn It Up"

15. "Pop Scene"

16. "Resigned"

17. "Commercial Break"

18. "When The Cows Come Home"

19. "Peach"

listen to all tracks as .m3u playlist

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