L Kan Cosas Que Miden Poco
Format: CD
Label: Federacion De Universos Pop
Price: $12.55
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Federacion De Universos Pop Description: Title: Things of a small size. Less than a year ago, in the Mercado de Fuencarral, (Madrid's main new wave center in clothing, art, music, theater, cinema, etcetera), the theatrical version of Clerks was presented to the audience. The play's soundtrack, with its hit "Hoy no me tocaba venir" (I Was not Supposed to be Here Today), had been composed by Luis and several actors from the play had contributed to the creation of this pop soundtrack. Among them were Olav, the Japanese showman, and the ineffable Belén who was about to become the most relevant starlette of her generation. B-Kan, L-Kan and O-Kan gave their first concerts on this same stage and, encouraged by the warm reception from the audience, decided to go on as a group. The recording of a second demo was released. It included "Gayhetera"the song with wich they conquer the world. And L-Kan entered the independent radio circuit. L-Kan songs were in high rotation in programs such as Diario Pop (Radio 3 rne), Viaje a los sueños polares (Cadena 40) and Flor de pasión (Radio 3). Two of treir songs were included in the compilation "Otras Formas de vida" (Other ways of living. FUP 001). The simple name L Kan started to sound familiar among the indie-pop audience. It was then, in February 2000,that the charismatic bass player Maru Pacharán joined the band and was consequently baptized M-Kan. From that moment on their unbridled success has taken them to the best clubs in Madrid, Zaragoza, Salamanca, Barcelona and Stockholm. They sold hundreds of copies of their demos "Humor idiota (Idiotic humor) and "Mi nave especial" (my special loft/ spaceship). October this year they won "YOYO" fanzine's first contest. Recently, their first record has been released. The simple and catchy melodies of "Cosas que miden poco" (Things of a Small Size) talk about the singular wonders of small things, little cats, easily frightened girls, young/youthful enthusiasm and innocent kisses. But not only that... L-Kan reveal themselves as a genuine poisoned candy, full of undercurrents of meaning and an almost wicked irony. While other bands from their generation enjoy happily the pleasures of the best Pop music, they watch all from a safe distance, smelling the cake but refusing to taste it. The record criticizes know-it-alls in "Encicloman", normal boring people in "Humor idiota", girl's who think they are hip to the latest fashion in "Chica Nepal", to superficial ecologic people and hypocritical guys who kiss without paying attention in "besos Chuick besos mua" (kisses chuik, kisses mua). For being much more than predicted, for their captivating melodies and their unforgettable concerts and performances, for their picaresque and accomplice look, for all that, in The Federation we love them and adore their songs. That is the reason you have the record in your hands, this record and many more that will follow...
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