Novillero The Brindleford Follies
Format: CD
Label: Endearing
Price: $10.25
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Endearing Description: A 6 piece with 6 songwriters from such diverse bands as Duotang, Transonic, Walter Paisley and the Waking Eyes, Novillero have quickly become one of Winnipeg's best new bands. Their debut record, "the Brindleford Follies", blends art rock, atmospheric pop and loungish sophistication with energetic mod tendencies into a seamless and satisfying pop experience.
Track listing:
1. "The Plaguing Of An Ex-Comic's Mind"
2. "Stumble On"
3. "Vermillion Trade Show"
4. "The Day The Trumpet Player Fell In Love, And Learned To Hate Men"
5. "Goodbye Blue Monday"
6. "Ambrose, We Need Advice"
7. "On A Canvas, Stained"
8. "World's Eye View"
9. "Cat Scan"
10. "The Muse"
11. "Loose Lips, Sink Ships"
12. "The Best You Ever Saw"
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