Various Artists Vol. 12-Best Of Motorcity
Format: CD
Price: $13.40
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Track listing:
1. "I Can't Give Back the Love I Feel for You - Syreeta"
2. "I Don't Want Nobody Else - Pat Lewis"
3. "Revenge - The Contours"
4. "Newsy Neighbors - Three Ounces of Love"
5. "Key to My Happiness - The Love-Tones"
6. "Can I Get a Witness - Motor City All-Stars"
7. "I Just Keep Falling in Love - Fred Gorman"
8. "Sacrifice - Frances Nero"
9. "Save It Baby (Save All Your Lovin') - Jake Jacas"
10. "It's So Hard Being a Loser - Hank Dixon"
11. "Just in Time for Love - Sandra Edwards"
12. "I Wouldn't Change the Man He Is - Blinky"
13. "Prime Time Lover - Linda Griner"
14. "Eyewitness News - Ivory Joe Hunter"
15. "Walk in the Night - Choker Campbell"
16. "Better Times - Louvain Demps"
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