Twee Kitten
email: goldfish "at"
October 15, 2024
Twee Kitten and Shelflife have combined forces to bring you the second full length cd from Charming. 'Champagne and Magazines' is an astonishingly beautiful album of incredibly smart, well crafted pleasure pop composed of female vocals, trumpets, guitars, keyboards, sax... For fans of Club 8, Ivy, the Smiths, Astrud Gilberto, Cloudberry Jam, etc. On Sale $6.00    Read More

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Twee Kitten is an independent record label and an online mail-order operation. Twee Kitten focuses on music possessing beauty, melody, charm (etc!) however the complete online catalog stretches far beyond those traits with titles offered from minor labels, major labels, inbetween labels, artists without labels, etc. This is all a one person operation. Sleep, sanity, and a social life have all been dropped to serve you!

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Twee Kitten artist pages:

the Palindromes
Scott Brookman
Sweet William
the Relationships